Week 2 – Why Mental Health Matters

The theme for this week is, “Why Mental Health Matters.” During this week we are showcasing voices from the community who give their thoughts on why mental health matters, and what it would look like for their world to value mental health.

Black woman talking about mental health

Videos: What Mental Means to Me

Throughout the month we are asking for short videos from Texas residents describing what mental health means to them.

New Voices Showcase for Adults

The New Voices Showcase highlighted talented writers and creatives who are living with or in recovery from mental health challenges.

Combat Fatigue

Combat Fatigue

I found myself screaming obscenities at the retreating truck, daring the two White guys in it to come back and face me.

Aren’t I a Human Being?

Aren’t I a Human Being?

I am a human being… right…? I was born into this world by human beings. Just as everyone else was, If that’s the case…why do I feel like such an alien…?

Dear Pandemic Child

Dear Pandemic Child

The second you were born, I knew that something special happened in the world. You were certainly born a fighter!

Visionary Voices on Mental Health

These blog posts offer thoughtful reflections on hope, healing, and history.

Moore Fellowships

Moore FellowshipThe Harry E. and Bernice M. Moore Fellowship is to doctoral students from UT Austin who demonstrate a primary research interest in the human experience in crises. Learn more about their groundbreaking work.

New Voices Showcase for Family and Caregivers

The New Voices Showcase also highlighted the unique experiences of family members and caregivers of people living with mental health challenges.

My Husband, My Hero

My Husband, My Hero

I swore I was destined to be alone. I watched my mother get married to the same man with a different face four times and each marriage ended in disaster.

Pizza! Pizza! Read All About It!

Pizza! Pizza! Read All About It!

“Pizza” is probably not the first word that comes to mind when recalling the recent pandemic and its profound effects on the state of a family’s mental health.

Black Family Mental Health 2020

Black Family Mental Health 2020

I sat in my writing room with my headphones on in hopes of drowning out the sounds of everyone’s Zoom meetings. I was miserable from all our family togetherness.

Stephany June Bryan: Bold Spirit of Achievement Scholarships

The Hogg Foundation awards $5000 annual scholarships in honor of Stephany June Bryan, a beloved Senior Program Officer and Consumer & Family Liaison at the foundation for over 12 years, until her untimely passing from COVID-19.

Remembering Stephany J. Bryan

Remembering Stephany J. Bryan

On this episode of our Into the Fold podcast, we are joined by three of Stephany’s longtime friends and colleagues – to celebrate the life and legacy of this rare and unique voice for mental health.

My Journey of Recovery: Stephany Bryan

As I look back to last month’s excitement and activities around recovery, it gave me the opportunity to reflect back on my own journey of recovery. I remember that there wasn't a magical cure, there wasn't a special therapy session and there wasn't a magic wand. It...