“My brother [Will] believed in public service; he believed in public service, and he believed in people giving as much of themselves for the benefit of mankind.” – Ima Hogg
Join the Conversation
In its early years, the Hogg Foundation’s leaders were “circuit riders for mental health,” driving from town to town to meet with small groups of people or give public lectures and trainings to raise awareness about mental health. Today, we offer a variety of ways to join the conversation, share, and learn with others to help transform mental health in your community. Check out ways to join the conversation below!
Austin Area African American Behavioral Health Network
Austin Area African American Behavioral Health Network (4ABHN) is a group interested in the behavioral health and well-being of African Americans in Greater Austin. In addition to regular in-person meetings, 4ABHN offers a listing of culturally competent service providers, as well as trainings and opportunities.
Austin Latinx Chicanx Behavioral Health Network
The Austin Latinx Chicanx Behavioral Health Network (LCBHN) was launched in September 2019 to provide a space for Latinx/Chicanx persons interested in the design, delivery, and cultural appropriateness of behavioral health policies, programs, services and supports for LatinX/ChicanX persons living with or impacted by mental health, substance use, and/or developmental disabilities.
Central Texas African American Family Support Conference
A longstanding beacon for community resilience, the annual Central Texas African American Family Support Conference is the place to find culturally competent resources related to mental health, substance use, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Led by caring health experts and people with lived experience, the conference offers interactive workshops and inspirational speakers, and is a safe space to share stories and connect with resources. It is an opportunity to reduce stigma and confront bias while increasing knowledge of and access to supports. Hosted by Integral Care, the Local Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority for Travis County, the Hogg Foundation and the Austin Area African American Behavioral Health Network serve on the planning committee.
For information, please contact Vicky Coffee, Program Manager.

Robert Lee Sutherland Seminars
This free, biennial event honors the legacy of the Hogg Foundation’s first executive director, Dr. Robert Lee Sutherland. For 30 years, beginning in 1978, Sutherland convened Texans through a series of seminars to reflect on the state of mental health and promote innovation and collaboration among consumers, providers and advocates.
Inspired by the National Alternatives Conference, PeerFest is an educational and celebratory event for Texans who have faced mental health challenges, and who are striving for and achieving recovery. An event by and for consumers—persons with lived mental health experience—sessions provide the opportunity to learn about well-being tools, explore taboo or inaccessible topics, and connect with peers.
Young Minds Matter
A free event focused on children’s mental health topics, the conference features presentations by the foundation’s grantees and community partners, as well as a resource fair. The Hogg Foundation’s founding mother, Ima Hogg, called Houston, Texas home for 60 years and cared deeply about the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of children, serving on the Houston school board and supporting a variety of children’s programs and services in the arts, health and education. In keeping with Miss Ima’s legacy, this is one of a variety of children’s initiatives the foundation supports in the Houston area.
For information, please contact Vicky Coffee, Program Manager.