Into the Fold Podcast: Issues in Mental Health

Our podcast series is one of the ways we move from simply talking about our grantmaking to influencing dialogue and learning about mental health and well-being. Hosted by “Ike at the Mic,” our public affairs representative Ike Evans, the series captures the human implications of mental health and the factors that influence it, bringing you conversations with mental health experts, consumers, advocates, practitioners, researchers and community leaders from across Texas and beyond.

Get notified of new episodes by signing up for our emails, or by subscribing to the podcast on iTunes or SoundCloud. Like what you hear? Leave a review!

Podcast Listener Commentary

Tell us your thoughts! We welcome commentary on our podcasts; on mental health, well-being, or substance-use issues; or any relevant issues of the day.

We will accept responses as either written testimonials or audio recordings. Selected responses will be read or played during an upcoming Into the Fold episode. You will be notified if your response is selected. Respondents are kept anonymous by default. 

Send your response to If your audio file is too large to send via email, upload it to this Box folder. In such a case, you should still send an email so we know who you are. Thanks! 


Recent Podcasts

A written synopsis is available for each podcast.

Activism for Mental Health

“I’m not looking for a utopia,” Latasha Taylor says. “I’m looking for balance. Nature shows us that balance is the best way for any entity to move forward and be successful.” In 2016, the Hogg Foundation started its Mental Health Peer Policy Fellows Grant Program to...

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WNBA Athlete Speaks Up on Mental Health in Sports

“If I give 100 percent, that’s good enough,” McGee-Stafford says. “It really doesn’t matter what other people expect me to do, because I’m doing this for me.” From January 17 to 19, The University of Texas at Austin hosted the fourth annual Black Student-Athlete...

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When Recovery Meets Social Entrepreneurship

“How do we empower the voice of lived experience to help shape policy and programming?” Jason Howell asks. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines recovery as a “process of change through which individuals improve their health...

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How to Build a Healthy City

“People are part of many different communities,” Dr. Clay Johnston says. “Not just their physical community, but also the communities in which they work, and in which they share religion and other cultural commonalities.” The notion that individual well-being can be a...

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Relieving Holiday Stress and Hurricane Trauma

“When a hurricane hits, you can’t stop it,” Edna Brinkley says. “What you have to do is deal with the aftermath, which means regaining that sense of control, that stability. You rebuild your home, and you reach out to your friends and family.” Edna Brinkley, Ph.D., is...

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A Peer Perspective on Health and the Holidays

“We can’t give that which sustains us,” John King says. “We have to be very, very mindful of practicing self-care.” As the peak of the holiday season approaches, our time and energy reserves can often stretch thin. Here to discuss ways we can take care of...

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*Into the Fold is part of the Texas Podcast Network. Texas Podcast Network is brought to you by The University of Texas at Austin. Podcasts are produced by faculty members and staffers at UT Austin who work with University Communications to craft content that adheres to journalistic best practices. The University of Texas at Austin offers these podcasts at no charge. Podcasts appearing on the network and this webpage represent the views of the hosts, not of The University of Texas at Austin.


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