Co-Signer Spotlight: Mindful Philanthropy
Mindful Philanthropy builds bridges – bridges of learning, collaboration, and support between funders and the people and programs making an impact in the fields of mental health, addiction, and well-being.
Mindful Philanthropy builds bridges – bridges of learning, collaboration, and support between funders and the people and programs making an impact in the fields of mental health, addiction, and well-being.
Training tomorrow, 5/18. This national, online discussion is the second in a multi-part series that focuses on eliminating factors that contribute to racism and childhood trauma.
There have been over 4000 documented incidents of verbal and physical hatred directed against Asian Americans since March 2020. Women, elders and youth have been disproportionately impacted.
“For those who have questioned our white privilege, I offer you this. The existence of institutional or systemic racism does exist. It does not make us bad people, but it requires us to participate in the remedy.”
This is the first webinar in a series that will explore research demonstrating how racism and other forms of discrimination can serve as risk factors to activate a toxic stress response, and lead to health conditions that have been shown empirically to have a connection to ACE exposure.