Peer Support with an Artistic Flair

When my teammate Christina arrived on the Austin State Hospital peer support team three years ago, it was clear that she had a theatrical bent. I will never forget her cobalt-blue hair and the feathery dangling earrings she wore the day I met her. She soon introduced...

Episode 28: Jail and Mental Health

Across the country, people are sitting in jail because they can’t afford bail or are awaiting desperately needed psychiatric services. We talk to Diana Claitor of the Texas Jail Project, who offers her perspective on the issue.

We Are Failing Young Adults With Psychosis

This post was co-authored with Neely Myers, PhD. The mental health care system is failing young adults who are struggling with the onset of psychosis, the very time when effective help could make a difference. This failure has implications not just for the care of the...

The Art of Hanging Out: Lessons from the Lounge

Hanging out. It seems like a trivial term. A time-waster. Something that young people do, perhaps, before they grow up and begin useful lives with adult responsibilities. But since the peer support team at Austin State Hospital (ASH) converted the old client library...