The following opportunity has been shared on behalf of a member or affiliate of the Austin Area African American Behavioral Health Network (4ABHN).
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is interested in hearing from all interested parties about the next generation of innovative research priorities to improve mental health outcomes among minority and health disparities populations in the U.S. The NIMH is deeply committed to improving minority health outcomes and addressing mental health disparities through cutting-edge research.
The deadline to respond has been extended to December 11, 2020. All comments must be submitted via email as text or as an attached electronic document. Your responses should be addressed to: Please include the Notice number (NOT-MH-20-073) in the subject line. Responses to this RFI are voluntary. The submitted information will be reviewed by NIH staff.
We also appreciate any assistance you can provide in encouraging your networks to respond to this RFI. Thank you in advance!