The Hogg Foundation envisions a future in which all people in Texas thrive in communities that support mental health and well-being. We believe it’s possible to transform how communities promote mental health in everyday life. We support research and learning, practice and implementation, and policy initiatives to achieve this vision.
Public Policy
Through a variety of policy initiatives, the Hogg Foundation influences systemic change at the state and local level to improve the mental health and well-being of people across Texas.
Policy Recommendations
Policy recommendations that include funding and support for mental health promotion through prevention, early intervention, and access.
Texas Mental Health Guide
A Guide to Understanding Mental Health Systems & Services in Texas helps you navigate pressing policy issues, funding, and programs.
News and Announcements
Get news, insights and ideas related to our initiatives and the state of mental health in Texas.
Sustainability? No, It Is About Building Durability
In a recent article for Grantmakers in Health, Rick Ybarra, senior program officer at the Hogg Foundation, explores how philanthropy can contribute to supporting and building a stronger, more robust, and durable nonprofit sector.
Hogg Foundation Welcomes Back the Texas Grants Resource Center
The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health welcomes back the Texas Grants Resource Center, formerly known as the Regional Foundation Library, at the University of Texas at Austin.
Transforming Lives at the Border: How a Rural Library in San Elizario is Changing the Game
An example of how one rural library is making a tangible difference in a small rural border community by prioritizing people and harnessing existing community assets.