Health Care Reform: A Rechartered Agenda
Happy 2016! It is an exciting time indeed! Presidential debates, political agendas in play, international and domestic issues front and center, major decisions that will impact the lives of all Americans…and none more important than health care reform! I’d like to...Bite on This! “Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast” Unless you add the Secret Sauce
Over the past several weeks, I have engaged with several health care non-profits and in all cases the conversation turns inwards: organizational culture. It reminded me that culture is one of the main reasons why most organizations (public and private sector) fall...Doing Health Care Differently: An Animated Video Series by the Commonwealth Fund
The Commonwealth Fund also launched three animated videos (each video approximately 90 seconds) illustrating new approaches in the delivery and financing of health care services.
Taking the Triple Aim to the Next Level: The Quadruple Aim
I would also argue that the mental health and wellness of our workforce should not be overlooked in the quest for the Quadruple Aim.