Strategic Focus on Communities and Collaboration

To truly promote mental health in everyday life, we need to better understand how to build resilience while eliminating structural inequities and other factors that affect health and well-being. In communities across Texas, fundamental differences in power and...

$567,000 to Strengthen Recovery to Practice

The Hogg Foundation has awarded $567,000 to support six organizations in their ongoing work to infuse the Recovery to Practice curricula across the six behavioral health professions in Texas: psychology, psychiatry, psychiatric nursing, peer support, social work, and...

Promoting Mental Health in Everyday Life

Earlier this month, we announced that the Hogg Foundation is making a strategic shift to focus on supporting community environments that promote mental health and well-being. In the process of developing our new strategic plan, we also revisited the foundation’s...

Reentry Peer Support: The Lifeline of Lived Experience

This blog post from 2017 was recently updated to include a link to recently published research by Dr. Jennifer Reingle Gonzalez. Imprisonment can upend a person’s life. Upon returning to their communities, people leaving prison confront a world that wants little to do...