Mental Health Support After Campus Tragedy

Yesterday, a terrible act of violence on the UT Austin campus took the life of one student and injured several others. As a member of the UT Austin community, the Hogg Foundation is saddened by this tragedy and we extend our deepest condolences to the victims and...

On the Tragedy at Fort Hood

  As a nation we’ll spend the next weeks and months trying to piece together the details of the shootings this week at Fort Hood. One thing we know right now, which is the most important thing, is that four people are dead (one of them the shooter), 16 are...

Children’s Mental Health and Tragedy

I offer my deepest condolences to those killed, families and friends impacted, and the community of Aurora, Colorado, over the catastrophic shootings and the tragic loss of life. Let us hope for the full recovery of those who were injured and that the healing process...