Into the Fold: On Coming Out

by Ike Evans The issue of whether to disclose as a person with lived experience of mental illness is always a complex one. For this latest episode of Into the Fold, we talk to Willie Williams, co-coordinator of the Austin Area African American Behavioral Health...

Local Clergy Get Trained in Mental Health First Aid

“Maybe your faith isn’t strong enough.” “You should just pray a little harder.” “Girl, the devil is just trying to steal your joy!” Sound familiar? Chances are you’ve said something similar to someone you know who is “going through” a mental health challenge, or...

Thoughts on Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

The National Alliance on Mental Illness has declared July to be Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. For African Americans in particular, a growing chorus of experts is sounding a clarion call on mental health, and urging black communities to the same sort...