
Into the Fold: Issues in mental health

Our podcast series is one of the ways we move from simply talking about our grantmaking to influencing dialogue and learning about mental health and well-being. Hosted by “Ike at the Mic,” our communications manager Ike Evans, the series captures the human implications of mental health and the factors that influence it, bringing you conversations with mental health experts, consumers, advocates, practitioners, researchers, and community leaders from across Texas and beyond.

Get notified of new episodes by signing up for our emails, or by subscribing to the podcast on iTunes or SoundCloud. Like what you hear? Leave a review!

Podcast Listener Commentary

Tell us your thoughts! We welcome commentary on our podcasts; on mental health, well-being, or substance use issues; or any relevant issues of the day. We will accept responses as either written testimonials or audio recordings. Selected responses will be read or played during an upcoming Into the Fold episode. You will be notified if your response is selected. Respondents are kept anonymous by default.

Send your response to intothefold@austin.utexas.edu. If your audio file is too large to send via email, upload it to this Box folder. In such a case, you should still send an email so we know who you are.

Woman with coffee and listening to headphones.

Recent Podcasts

A written synopsis is available for each podcast.

Young Minds Matter: Real Queens

Young Minds Matter: Real Queens

As vice-president and co-founder of Real Queens Help Fix Each Other’s Crowns, Brandi Meister gives women and girls the support they need to maintain mental health and wellness.

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The Loneliness Epidemic

The Loneliness Epidemic

Nearly three in five U.S. adults describe themselves as being lonely. People from underrepresented racial groups, those with lower incomes, and young people are even more vulnerable to feeling a lack of social connection. Download Transcript Joining us today is Jacki...

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Mental Health Goes Back to School

Mental Health Goes Back to School

During this especially divisive time, a strong partnership between two Austin nonprofits is providingmuch-needed mental health support to students, families, and school communities.

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*Into the Fold is part of the Texas Podcast Network. Texas Podcast Network is brought to you by The University of Texas at Austin. Podcasts are produced by faculty members and staffers at UT Austin who work with University Communications to craft content that adheres to journalistic best practices. The University of Texas at Austin offers these podcasts at no charge. Podcasts appearing on the network and this webpage represent the views of the hosts, not of The University of Texas at Austin.

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