Central Texas African American Healthy Minds Project

Young black child

Key Date
Fluxx Registration Deadline  11:59 pm CST Thur., December 7, 2023
Proposal Submission Deadline  11:59 am CST Mon. December 11, 2023  
Award Selection  Late January 2024 
Grants Announced   February 2024 
Grant Start Date  March 01, 2024 
Grant End Date  February 29, 2025 

The Hogg Foundation believes that mental health is not solely an individual responsibility but is a product of community conditions. The places where people live, learn, work, play, and pray can have a significant impact on improving mental health.  

The foundation will invest $100,000 in non-profit organizations throughout Central Texas that offer education and awareness opportunities, provide resources, services, and support, and/or address the impact of trauma and/or of COVID-19. These $10,000 grant awards will be offered to ten eligible Central Texas organizations that support the mental health and wellness of African American school-age children, youth, adults and/or their families in their communities.  

Download Call for Proposals

Who is Eligible to Apply?

Eligible organizations include 501(c)(3) nonprofit, community-based organizations or collaboratives including mental health organizations; faith-based/religious entities; public libraries; and educational institutions, including school districts, colleges, and universities.

Applicants must be Texas based or have offices, chapters, or affiliates in Texas. Proposals submitted as a collaborative project between multiple entities are welcome, but the lead applicant (fiscal agent) must be based in Texas and the role of each entity must be clearly defined in the proposal.

Applicants must propose projects that will offer resources, services, or supports in eligible counties. To see the full list of eligible Texas counties, download the call for proposals document.

Questions and Answers

What is Fluxx and can’t we just email our proposal in a Word document to Hogg-grants?

Fluxx is the foundation’s online grants management system where applicants must submit materials. Applicants must first register in Fluxx to apply for a grant.   

The foundation can only accept proposals completed and submitted via the Fluxx portal. 

Can a church apply for this opportunity, and can you please explain a church verification form?

Yes, a church is eligible to apply for funds offered through this grant opportunity. Churches that meet the requirements of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) section 501(c)(3) are automatically considered tax exempt and are not required to apply for and obtain recognition of tax-exempt status from the IRS. For more information on tax exempt status and churches, download this publication from the IRS site: Internal Revenue Service’s Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations. Because this status is awarded automatically, there is no verification resource such as IRS Publication 78, in which we may be assured of the tax‐exempt status of a church. The church verification form can be found at the bottom of the application in Fluxx under “required documents.”   

Is there going to be a teleconference where applicants can learn more about the RFP?

There will not be a teleconference for this Request for Proposals. Applicants are encouraged to continue checking the Questions and Answers (Q & A) webpage for updated information. In addition, applicants may email hogg-grants@austin.utexas.eduwith any additional questions.  

Is there a print friendly version of the Request for Proposals (RFP)?

Yes, for a print-friendly version, download the call for proposals document.

If an applicant does not have the capacity to manage the finances for this project, can they partner with a separate fiscal agent?

Yes. Applicants must demonstrate organizational capacity to manage a grant award or partner with a fiscal agent to manage the budgetary responsibilities and requirements.  

If the applicant does not have a current 501(c)(3) status, they may still apply for funding by partnering with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to serve as the fiscal agent and manage the fiscal responsibilities and fiscal requirements of the grant. If you intend to apply with a fiscal agent, please add the organization’s name, address, city, state, postal code, and fiscal agent contact person’s name, email and phone to your application. 

Can the lead organization have a tax-exempt determination as 170(b) (government entity such as university) as opposed to 501(c)3?

Yes, a lead organization with a tax-exempt determination of 170(b) is also eligible to apply.    

Can you share some examples of how the funds might be used?

Funds might be used for personnel, contractors and/or consultants, meetings and events, travel, special projects, materials and/or supplies. 

The foundation is always somewhat hesitant to give specific examples of funding ideas to not influence proposals or stifle creativity. Applicants should keep in mind the intention of the goals of the initiative. The foundation is seeking proposals that focus on enhancing the mental health and wellness of African Americans in Central Texas through education and awareness opportunities; and/or resources, services, and support. Some examples might include: 

  • A school or university hosts a monthly mental health awareness event and offers food and prizes for participants.  
  • A faith-based organization contracting with local African American clinicians to offer counseling sessions for congregants over the course of the grant term.   
  • Offering radio spots or public service announcements that address stigma and raise awareness about mental health and wellness. 
  • A community organization partnering with a student-led organization to receive curriculum-based education and awareness about suicide prevention to create a supportive peer environment among students.  
  • A church hosts a regularly scheduled event that brings together senior citizens to talk about how aging impacts mental health and wellness.  
  • A women’s support group that focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on their mental health and wellness. 
  • Groups offered to youth to engage and educate about stress, self-esteem, and emotional wellness. 
  • Recognizing mental health awareness month through outreach and community education.  
  • Hosting support groups for individuals living with mental health conditions.  

Disclaimer: Proposals that include usage of any of the examples above are not more likely to receive funding than those that do not. 

How much detail should the explanation of costs include when estimating use of funds?

The proposals should give the reviewers enough information to determine if the amount requested is in line with the proposed scope of work and activities. Estimated costs might include items intended for purchase and/or costs associated with paying an individual for services delivered, meetings and events, or estimated travel. Expenses may also include stipends or honorariums offered to program participants such as; food/meals, gift cards for gas or groceries, etc. 

We are a group of students who have been meeting to discuss mental health and create a more supportive campus environment. We are interested in submitting a proposal, but we are not a 501(c)(3) organization? Can we still apply?

Only 501(c)(3) organizations are eligible to apply for this grant opportunity. An applicant not meeting this requirement might consider talking with an organization or entity (such as a counseling center) in their school or community that is a 501(c)(3) organization or university partner and therefore eligible to receive the funds.   

Our organization has applied for 501(c) (3) but has not received it yet.  Are we still eligible to submit a proposal and receive grant funds if our 501(c) (3) is approved before the funds are awarded?

If the applicant does not have a current 501(c)(3) status, they may still apply for funding by partnering with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to serve as the fiscal agent and manage the fiscal responsibilities and fiscal requirements of the grant. If you intend to apply with a fiscal agent, please add the organization’s name, address, city, state, postal code, and fiscal agent contact person’s name, email, and phone to your application. 

Our 501(c) (3) currently has a grant from the Hogg Foundation for another initiative. Are we eligible to apply for this grant opportunity?

Yes, current grantees are eligible to apply for this grant opportunity. 

Can an organization submit more than one proposal?

Yes, an organization may submit more than one proposal.  

Are there match funds required for the grant?

No, applicants are not required to include match funds to be eligible for consideration.  

What are the reporting requirements for this grant?

The reporting requirements and due dates will be clearly stated in the funding agreement letter between the grantee and the foundation. Grantees will be required to submit a final narrative report describing the activities and goals completed during the designated grant period. Grantees will receive a narrative report reminder and template prior to the report due date.   

We want the identified population of focus to inform us about their needs and recommendations for funding. Can we propose spending funds just for information gathering during the one-year funding period?

No. The proposed activities may initially focus on gathering feedback and planning how the funds will be used once the input is received. However, the planned activities must be completed by the end of the one-year grant term.