The following opportunity has been shared on behalf of a member or affiliate of the Austin Area African American Behavioral Health Network.
Save the Date!
Friday, January 31, 2020
12:00-1:30 p.m.
”I’m a fraud! Wait, or is it racism/sexism?”
Research shows that imposter syndrome, although not a new term nor unique to a population, seems to impact people of color more than others. Some state that racism, microaggressions, and discrimination contribute to this fraudulent feeling, while others argue it is an individual issue related to low self-esteem and not related to race or gender. Nonetheless, regardless of proven academic, social, and/or economic achievement some people experience feelings of self-doubt in their trades. Together we will discuss: What is imposter syndrome? Does racism, discrimination, or internalized oppression play a role? Have you experienced imposter syndrome?
This free dialogue is open to the community.
Bring your lunch and let’s talk!
2015 South IH 35, Suite 110
Austin, TX 78741