Breaking Barriers on Health Disparities
Discovery, Delivery and Disparities “We’re into the business of discovery, but we’re not in the business of delivery. And that needs to change.” Dr. Lovell Jones is Professor Emeritus at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, a molecular endocrinologist, and an expert in...Reducing the Use of Seclusion and Restraint
In this podcast interview with the Hogg Foundation, Hayes explores the need, misconceptions, and keys in reducing seclusion and restraint.
Understanding Obamacare
With the recent election of Donald Trump as U.S. president, there is a very real chance that the Affordable Care Act will be gutted or repealed.
Episode 28: Jail and Mental Health
Across the country, people are sitting in jail because they can’t afford bail or are awaiting desperately needed psychiatric services. We talk to Diana Claitor of the Texas Jail Project, who offers her perspective on the issue.