by Hogg Staff | Sep 28, 2015
Policy Brief: Housing for People with Mental Illness DSHS Exceptional Item Request #8 Recommendation The Department of State Health Services’ (DSHS) Exceptional Item #8 requests funding for basic and enhanced supportive housing projects for people with serious mental...
by Hogg Staff | Sep 28, 2015
Policy Recommendation: Housing for People with Serious Mental Illness Introduction On any given night, more than 36,000 Texans experience homelessness.i An estimated 26.2% of these individuals are living with serious mental illness (SMI).ii People with SMI who do not...
by Hogg Staff | Sep 28, 2015
Policy Recommendation: Relocation Services for Individuals with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness Recommendation In order to increase opportunities for recovery, DSHS will develop and implement a program to provide relocation and transition services to individuals...
by Hogg Staff | Sep 28, 2015
Policy Briefs AllPolicy Hogg Foundation Policy Briefs for 2021Policy Hogg Foundation Legislative Testimony for the 87th LegislaturePolicy Mental Health ParityPolicy Hogg Foundation Policy Priorities 2018-2019Policy The Texas Mental Health Worforce: Continuing...
by Hogg Staff | Sep 28, 2015
When Disability Is a Disguise: Addressing the mental health needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities How Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Can Obscure Mental Illness The mental health needs of individuals with intellectual and...