Mental Health Housing Brief

Mental Health Housing Brief

Policy Brief: Housing for People with Mental Illness DSHS Exceptional Item Request #8 Recommendation The Department of State Health Services’ (DSHS) Exceptional Item #8 requests funding for basic and enhanced supportive housing projects for people with serious mental...
Housing for People with Serious Mental Illness

Housing for People with Serious Mental Illness

Policy Recommendation: Housing for People with Serious Mental Illness Introduction On any given night, more than 36,000 Texans experience homelessness.i An estimated 26.2% of these individuals are living with serious mental illness (SMI).ii People with SMI who do not...

Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs   AllPolicy Hogg Foundation Policy Briefs for 2021Policy Hogg Foundation Legislative Testimony for the 87th LegislaturePolicy Mental Health ParityPolicy Hogg Foundation Policy Priorities 2018-2019Policy The Texas Mental Health Worforce: Continuing...

When Disability Is a Disguise

When Disability Is a Disguise: Addressing the mental health needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities How Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Can Obscure Mental Illness The mental health needs of individuals with intellectual and...