COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions
The Hogg Foundation’s core values are never more relevant that at a time of crisis and uncertainty like the present. We are committed to supporting your work and remaining flexible during this time. We understand that all communities are taking precautions to stay healthy amid the growing concerns of COVID-19, and this is impacting your activities.
We are currently discussing how we can best serve our grantees and we will keep you posted of any major changes. Currently, Hogg can support you in the following ways:
- Extensions to align with your work
- Streamlined budget amendments. Our statement of agreement allows for organizations to reallocate up to 10% of grant funding without input from Hogg. If you require program changes or budget adjustments that exceed 10% of your award total please email your Hogg Foundation contact a list of changes and a short rationale.
Here are some questions you may have:
Since COVID-19, has the status of my grant changed?
No, the foundation will continue to provide the support and funding to assist grantees in maintaining their grant projects. During this crisis many things are changing. The foundation remains flexible and will work with grantees to figure out the best course forward for their projects. Please email your Hogg Foundation contact to discuss needs specific to your project.
If we are not able to continue the proposed project or activities for a period of time, what should we do?
We understand that the originally proposed activities will most likely be impacted by the recent COVID-19 crisis. Please email your Hogg Foundation contact to discuss potential changes and to identify ways we can support your organization at this time.
As a collaborative partner of one of the Communities of Care/Well-being in Rural Communities grantees, can we use current grant funds to support identified needs of our community related to COVID-19?
Most likely, yes. In the spirit of collaboration, if your community collaborative partners identify a need specific to your community, the foundation will remain flexible and supportive. Please email your Hogg Foundation contact to discuss needs specific to your project.
Can we continue to pay grant-funded staff even if their roles and responsibilities shift in response to the COVID-19 crisis?
During this crisis, most places of employment are having to shift how, and at a minimum, the location of where typical job functions are performed. The foundation encourages our grant partners to discuss how the crisis will shift where and how their traditional staff responsibilities will occur. The foundation will be flexible and support changes in grant-related roles and responsibilities that are in line with the current needs of the organization and the community it serves.
Our proposed grant timeline has changed. What should we do?
Change is inevitable during crisis and will most likely impact the original proposed timeline. Please reach out to your initiative coordinator (if applicable to your project) or your Hogg Foundation contact to discuss a revised timeline that better reflects the anticipated changes to your proposed activities and deliverables.
If we’ve had changes in grant-related staff, do we need to let Hogg know?
Yes, please inform your Hogg Foundation contact via email of any staff changes.
Our organization has grant reports due soon; can we get an extension?
The grant reports deadline can be flexible if needed. Please email your Hogg Foundation contact to discuss an extension of the due dates. In a multi-year grant, please note that receipt of the fiscal report must be received and approved by the foundation before the release of your remaining funds.
Does our organization have the flexibility to make adjustments to our budget?
Your statement of agreement allows for your organization to reallocate up to 10% of grant funding without notifying your Hogg Foundation contact. If you require program changes or budget adjustments that exceed 10% of your grant period total, please email your Hogg Foundation contact. Be prepared to note in the fiscal report the proposed changes including a justification for the requested revisions.