Hurricane Harvey, Faith and Resilience

“My faith was and is my most valuable resource,” Jameisha Brown says. “I learned to maintain hope, even when I was told there was none left.” Even though Hurricane Harvey made landfall in August 2017, the devastation left in its wake continues to affect many Texans...

How to Build a Healthy City

“People are part of many different communities,” Dr. Clay Johnston says. “Not just their physical community, but also the communities in which they work, and in which they share religion and other cultural commonalities.” The notion that individual well-being can be a...

How Cultural Perception Affects Diabetes Management

“Providing services that are sensitive to a community’s culture-driven perspectives can overcome long-held tendencies to perceive health issues as something that one must manage on their own.” – Ya-Ching Huang Every year, the Hogg Foundation gives the Frances Fowler...

Relieving Holiday Stress and Hurricane Trauma

“When a hurricane hits, you can’t stop it,” Edna Brinkley says. “What you have to do is deal with the aftermath, which means regaining that sense of control, that stability. You rebuild your home, and you reach out to your friends and family.” Edna Brinkley, Ph.D., is...