The following opportunity has been shared on behalf of a member or affiliate of the Austin Area African American Behavioral Health Network (4ABHN).

HOPE HERALD           

All Texans should live safely in hope, not fear of abuse.

IN THIS ISSUE – September 2020

October is dv awareness month

October 1st marks the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. You will certainly be hearing more from us in the coming month. But… to kick-off this unique #DVAM in the year of COVID-19, two things are on our hearts and minds:

We are continually energized and inspired by our attorneys, who have been on the front lines, providing real solutions to survivors and helping them throughout the crisis.

While we have seen a concerning rise in domestic violence due to stay-at-home orders, we have also been encouraged by the increase in public awareness concerning the critical issue of domestic violence. We hope to continue this momentum of information and attention being paid to survivors.

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Need Help? Call our toll-free legal line or fill out an online intake form available 24/7

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