The following opportunity has been shared on behalf of a member or affiliate of the Austin Area African American Behavioral Health Network.
A message from the Executive Director of the American Muslim Health Professionals (AMHP) on the National Muslim Task Force.
Hope this message finds you in good health and safety under these new norms.
American Muslim Health Professionals (AMHP) was one of the first national Muslim organization to respond to the COVID-19 crisis with a comprehensive plan to bring together over 30 national Muslim led non-profits with expertise in the healthcare, social services, faith and fiqh, and policy to compile resources and address the unique needs of American Muslims across the country.
AMHP values the opportunity to collaborate with our partners on the National Muslim Taskforce. We are grateful to our staff, board and task force members for their tireless work and dedication to bettering the lives of others.
The impact of COVID-19 shows how important it is for us to work together and expand our resources, capacity, and leadership to address the unique needs of the American Muslim Community. In today’s newsletter, you will find inspiring stories, resources, and updates on the work AMHP is doing with its partners on the National Muslim Task Force.
In the coming weeks, we pledge to keep this information flowing from AMHP to you: stories, opportunities, and resources.
We thank all the front-line workers for their relentless pursuit to care for those impacted by COVID-19, exemplifying commitment and dedication to protecting the health of America. AHMP thanks them for their compassionate service as they work to prevent the spread of coronavirus and provide exceptional patient care during these challenging times.
We thank you for doing your part in maintaining social distancing, as it is the only way to stop the coronavirus from spreading. Let’s continue to do our part and support our front-line workers to keep American strong.
Most Respectfully,
Ghazala Salam
AMHP Executive Director