Integrated Health Care: Evaluations
Harris County Protective Services Integrated Health Care Implementation Grant
In 2012, Harris County Protective Services received funding from the Hogg Foundation to plan and implement an integrated behavioral health program for children in state custody. The foundation also funded an evaluation of the pilot program. This report provides the results of the evaluation.
The evaluation was conducted by Dr. Toni Watt of Texas State University. Among its key findings are that the majority of children in kinship care in Harris County do not receive behavioral health services, and this is especially true for children age 5 and under. A new integrated model of care can address existing gaps in access to and quality of behavioral health care. Click here to access the full report.
Statewide Learning Community on Integrated Health Care
In 2009, the Hogg Foundation awarded a one-year grant to Mental Health America (MHA) of Greater Houston to create a statewide learning community on integrated health care. Members collaborated in person and online to share information and experiences with implementing different integrated health care models, components and strategies. In 2010, the grant was extended for an additional year and expanded to eighteen learning community participant organizations throughout Texas.
MHA of Greater Houston contracted with two local firms, Sage Associates, Inc. in the first year and Working Partner, LLC in the second year, to conduct an assessment of the learning community. The foundation has aggregated findings from the assessments. Click here to read the executive summary.

Integrated Healthcare Collaborative Care Grant Initiative
In 2006, the Hogg Foundation awarded $2.6 million in three-year grants to bring the collaborative care model of integrated health care to several clinics in Texas. The collaborative care model places a primary care physician and a mental health professional at the same site to improve access to both types of care.
An evaluation was conducted by a team from the Harvard Medical School. The purpose of the evaluation was twofold:
- Identify and assess the barriers to implementing the collaborative care model at community health clinics in Texas
- Evaluate the impact of the collaborative care model on people being treated for depression and anxiety at community health clinics in Texas
The foundation has aggregated findings from the evaluation report as well as subsequently published manuscripts from the evaluators. Click here to read the executive summary.
People’s Community Clinic was one of five organizations chosen by the foundation to implement the collaborative care model of integrated health. The foundation created a summary report of People’s Community Clinic’s successes, challenges and outcomes based on the Harvard Medical School evaluation as well as a separate, independent evaluation funded by St. David’s Foundation.

Building Evaluation Capacity Among Integrated Health Care Organizations
The Hogg Foundation not only values evaluation for its own initiatives. but believes that grantees can use evaluation to help assess the effectiveness of their programs and to drive performance improvement efforts. Accordingly, the foundation has made growing grantee evaluation capacity a key strategic objective. This evaluation summary report highlights key lessons learned and offers reflections on building evaluation capacity in integrated health care organizations. Grantee spotlight examples are included in the summary.