The following opportunity has been shared on behalf of a member or affiliate of the Austin Area African American Behavioral Health Network.


National Suicide Prevention Month Isn’t Over Yet

… and our work to prevent suicide, create lives worth living, and to help those impacted by suicide isn’t over, either. We’re pleased to announce the following activities and hope you can participate live or watch the recordings afterward. For more information, please visit

Upcoming Livestream Events for September

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Tuesday | September 15 – 1 p.m. Eastern

Facebook Live Event: Warning Signs of Suicide – Considerations for Autistic People
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Lisa Morgan, AAS Autism and Suicide Committee Chair, and Brenna Maddox, Co-chair, will join us for a very special livestream event where they’ll share some important information regarding helping autistic people who are in crisis. We’ll also discuss Lisa’s new book and how autism plays a role in policy creation leading up to the election.

Wednesday | September 16 – 1 p.m. Eastern

Facebook Live Event: Firearms and Suicide
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Dakota Jablon, MHS, Director of Federal Affairs for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, is joining us for a critical conversation regarding firearms and suicide prevention. She’ll discuss the research that exists showing why certain legislation can save the lives of those at risk for suicide, talk about her organizations new website covering the topic, and share some tips for how we can make a difference.

suicide prevention

Thursday | September 17 – Begins at 11 a.m. Eastern

National Physician Suicide Awareness Day – All-day Facebook Live Event
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Join us 9/17 starting at 11 a.m. Eastern for an afternoon of incredible interviews with physicians and experts. Dr. Loice Swisher and Dr. Perry Lin will co-host the afternoon’s livestream events.


Friday | September 18 – 12 p.m. Eastern

Facebook Live Event: Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in the Biden/Harris Campaign
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We’re very pleased to be joined by two incredible politicians who are dedicated to mental health and suicide prevention support within legislation. Congresswoman Susan Wild and Mayor of Boston, Marty Walsh, will join us to discuss how the Biden/Harris Campaign has integrated these two priorities into their platform, why suicide prevention is important right now, and how we can all make a difference in this unprecedented landscape.

care comfort connectedness

Tuesday | September 22 – 1 p.m. Eastern

Care, comfort & connectedness on college campuses
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Colleen Creighton, AAS CEO will moderate a panel addressing the mental health crisis on college campuses. Joining her for this special livestream event will be Founder & CEO of Inspiring Comfort, Jen Marr and recent college graduate Matthew Gasparrini. They will be discussing how students and faculty alike have a role to play and how creating a caring culture includes learning specific human care skills to remove some of the burden from the counseling centers and crisis lines.

virtual artvention

Tuesday | September 22 – 5 p.m. Eastern

Virtual Artvention 2020: A Creative Postvention Event for National Suicide Awareness
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The American Association of Suicidology and the Eastern Kentucky University Department of Psychology will be hosting “Virtual ArtVention 2020”  in recognition of Suicide Prevention Month.  “Virtual ArtVention 2020” is an art-making event that honors the experiences of individuals whose lives have been touched by suicide. For the past three Septembers, Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) has hosted this joyous event live on campus. We now bring EKU art mentor and suicide loss survivor, Julie Struck, to our community to lead us in this really special event virtually. No previous art experience is required and directions for materials to use during the event will be emailed upon registration.

Saturday | September 26 – 12 p.m. Eastern

Hope rising is a global suicide prevention summit for people impacted by suicide and those who would like to help prevent it.

This inspirational event will provide information, resources, and opportunities for collaboration that will enhance suicide prevention and wellness around the world.
Register Here

suicide prevention

Wednesday | September 30 – 1 p.m. Eastern

Facebook Live Event: A Month of Suicide Prevention, 365 Days of Building Lives Worth Living
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Trevor Project’s Tia Dole and Kwesi Douglas, and AAS’s Jonathan Singer will talk about harnessing the momentum of SPM20 to continue the essential work of suicide prevention. This conversation is particularly urgent when we think about the relationship between suicide risk and the dual pandemics of COVID and racism. We will also highlight how the intersection of identities and systemic failures affects suicide risk for LGBTQIA+ youth.
