The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health staff has been quite busy lately. We are proud of our top-notch colleagues who positively represent the foundation throughout the state and nationally as leaders in mental health.
Here is some of what we’ve been up to lately…
- Dr. Octavio N. Martinez, Jr., executive director, attended a luncheon for the WHO QualityRights Project to discuss how to deliver mental health services and promote the rights of people with mental health conditions. The meeting launched a toolkit that sets standards for mental health and social care facilities around the world. Dr. Martinez also participated on a panel for the “Integrated Care Across the Lifespan” symposium at the National Alliance on Mental Illness National Convention in Seattle. The panel described what integrated care means for children and adults living with mental illness.
- Colleen Horton, program officer, presented at the Texas Parent to Parent Conference on the current mental health policy environment and the legislative appropriations process. She also presented on Medicaid waivers on a webinar for the Johnson Center for Child Health and Development.
- Dr. Lynda Frost, director of planning and programs, presented “Ethics: Working with Youth with Mental Disabilities” at a statewide continuing legal education program for the state bar. The presentation was designed to help attorneys be more effective in working with young clients with mental health challenges. She also presented “The Impact of Trauma from Adverse Childhood Experiences” on a webinar for Court Appointed Special Advocates in Texas.
- Stephany Bryan, program officer and consumer & family liaison, co-presented on the development and growth of the East Texas Coalition for Mental Health Recovery at a National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors workshop.
- Tammy Heinz, program officer and consumer & family liaison, trained new facilitators on using updated WRAP materials at a facilitator training held for the East Texas Coalition for Mental Health Recovery. She also provided testimony encouraging a recovery-oriented approach to mental health care at a Texas Department of State Health Services meeting for stakeholders.
- Stephany Bryan and Tammy Heinz completed the five-day Certified Peer Specialist Training in Lufkin along with 20 other peers, representing the East Texas Coalition for Mental Health Recovery. The training provides the skills necessary to give hope, encouragement, assistance and understanding to other people experiencing mental illness.