Austin’s Public Safety Commission may consider new boarding home regulations for people who experience mental illness at a public hearing on Monday, September 12 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The agenda for the meeting hasn’t been posted yet, but you can check the commission’s website for updated agendas and directions to the meeting.
With a grant from the Hogg Foundation, Mental Health America of Texas is researching boarding home regulations across the state and is finding that, although boarding homes are sometimes the only option for low-income people experiencing mental illness, cities often don’t have the rules in place to ensure that these homes provide a safe and supportive environment.
Help ensure that Austin adopts boarding home regulations that support the well-being of people experiencing mental illness by taking a look at the model regulations adopted by the Texas Legislature in 2009 and by sharing your input with the commission members at the meeting or in writing. If you have questions about the grant-funded project, contact Gyl Swizter.