The Hogg Foundation’s evaluation efforts now have a home on our website. The newly created evaluation web page currently highlights four evaluation projects that reflect the diverse programs funded by the foundation. We are excited that our evaluation reports will now be easily accessible to the public.
With the launch of the new web page, we have released the evaluation executive summary, “An Evaluation of the Collaborative Care Model of Integrated Health Care in Texas.” The goals of this evaluation were to identify and assess the barriers to implementing a collaborative care model at community health clinics in Texas and to understand how this model affected outcomes for people being treated for depression and anxiety.
As the foundation continues its integrated health care efforts, now seemed like the optimal time to pull together this executive summary. It was important that we synthesize the original evaluation report and recently published manuscripts so that we could use the information to build on the foundation’s ongoing work in this area.
The initiatives we undertake, such as expanding the implementation of integrated health care across the state, reinforce our mission as an organization to advance recovery and wellness in Texas. My mission as the leader of our evaluation efforts is to foster a culture that encourages two-way communication and organizational learning, not just compliance with grant requirements. It’s about helping our grant partners improve their programs, which in turn, impacts the people and communities served.