Recovery from mental illness is a process, requiring perseverance and hard work. As Amy’s story shows mental wellness is an achievable goal. Her path to becoming a mental health advocate has not been easy but her story exemplifies the power of recovery.
From an early age, Amy battled with the ups and downs of mental illness. Through dedication and support, she now lives a quality of life that she once thought was impossible.
As Amy puts it, “I live a really great life and I’m an individual with a diagnosis of a mental illness. It’s not who I am. It’s not what I am. It’s just a diagnosis I have.”
Amy is now the peer support and recovery coordinator at Bluebonnet Trails Community Center in Round Rock, Texas where she assists in implementing and developing mental health peer support services. She is also actively involved with several mental health advocacy groups, including Disability Rights Texas, Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness and Texas Catalyst for Empowerment.
[youtube]Throughout September, the Hogg Foundation and other mental health stakeholders will be celebrating stories like Amy’s as part of National Recovery Month. Follow us on our Facebook, Twitter and blog for more information as the month continues. We encourage you to share your story with us as well and help us spread the message that recovery is possible.