The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health staff has been quite busy lately. We are proud of our top-notch colleagues who positively represent the foundation throughout the state and nationally as leaders in mental health. Here is some of what we’ve been up to lately…
- Stephany Bryan, program officer and consumer and family liaison, presented at the WRAP Around the World Conference in Oakland, California. She presented on the development and growth of the Recovery Initiative in East Texas.
- Vicky Coffee-Fletcher, program officer, and Stephany Bryan both presented at the Mission Possible XVIII Conference in Nacogdoches, Texas. They presented on the necessary elements required when building a culture that embraces the consumer voice.
- Vicky Coffee-Fletcher presented on the Cultural Impact on Children and Families with Mental Health Needs at the Children’s Case Management Coalition Conference in Houston, Texas on February 22.
- Dr. Michele Guzmán, assistant director of research and evaluation, hosted a meeting of Hogg’s Texas Psychology Internships Initiative grantees in Houston, Texas at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit.
- Dr. Lynda Frost, director of planning and programs, presented at the national American Bar Association Mid-Year Meeting in Dallas, Texas on February 4, 2013. Her presentation guided lawyers to think about ethical obligations when representing individuals with mental disabilities.
- Colleen Horton, policy program officer, presented at the Texas Advanced Leadership and Advocacy Conference in Austin, Texas.
- Meagan Longley and Peter McGraw, policy fellows, presented before the Austin-Central Texas Suicide Prevention Coalition on mental health workforce issues.
- The Hogg policy team of Colleen Horton, Meagan Longley and Peter McGraw have testified before several House and Senate committees during the legislative session, including the Senate Committee on Finance on the Department of State Health Services’ (DSHS) Exceptional Item #8 (related to supportive housing services), the House Human Services Committee on H.B. 591 (related to the creation of a social work resource center to study workforce trends) and the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services on S.B. 7 (related to the delivery and quality of Medicaid acute care services and long-term services and supports).
- Dr. Octavio N. Martinez, Jr., executive director, was elected as a member of The American College of Psychiatrists. He was inducted at a ceremony during the annual meeting held in Kauai, Hawaii. The college is a not-for-profit honorary association dedicated to providing continuing education to its members, promoting the latest advances in the specialty, and supporting the highest standards in psychiatry.
- Rick Ybarra, program officer, presented at the 2013 Grantmakers In Health Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California. His session was titled “Partners in Change: Using Philanthropy and Public Policy to Align Integrated Care Delivery and Payment.”