Hogg Foundation Response to Legislative Interim Charges
Interim charges are an opportunity for advocates and other stakeholders to influence the policy agenda. Of the hundreds of ideas submitted to legislators for consideration, only a select few are forwarded to the lieutenant governor and speaker. Issues addressed during the interim gain increased visibility and are more likely to be on the policy agenda for the next session.
The Hogg Foundation Policy unit recently responded to several Requests for Information related to the interim charges. Click on the boxes below for more information.
Health Care Access and Medicaid
Impact of State and Federal Budgetary Changes on State Health Programs
Mass Violence Prevention
Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Mental Health in Schools: House Public Education Committee
Mental Health in Schools: House Public Health Committee
Rural Mental Health
State Hospitals
Substance Use
Arrests and Incarcerations
Inequities in Mental Healthcare Outcomes and Insurance Coverage
Institutional racism, disparities, and inequities cause/exacerbate already existing trauma, anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance use, and other mental health conditions. Communities of color face discrimination that prevent them from accessing mental health and substance use treatments, services, and supports.
Federal Changes that Impact Health
Mental Health Support Needs of Individuals with Criminal Justice Involvement
In order to better utilize existing resources, direct HHSC to create an Office of Forensic Services to coordinate cross-agency efforts to more efficiently meet the treatment and support needs of individuals with criminal justice involvement who are living with mental health and/or substance use conditions.
Fostering Innovative Research to Improve Mental Health Outcomes Among Minority and Health Disparities Populations
The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health applauds the National Institute for Mental Health for addressing the need to improve mental health outcomes for communities of color. Institutional racism, disparities, and inequities exacerbate already existing trauma, anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance use, and other mental health conditions.
Black Youth Suicide
The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health thanks the National Institute for Mental Health for addressing Black youth suicide rates. Institutional racism and disparities exacerbate already existing trauma, anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance use, and other mental health conditions for youth of color.
2021 State of Texas Low Income Housing Plan and Annual Report
The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health appreciates the opportunity to provide written testimony on the Draft 2021 State of Texas Low Income Housing Plan (SLIHP) and Annual Report submitted by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Given the impact of COVID-19, we would like to emphasize the state’s need to properly fund housing supports and services for individuals with mental health/substance use conditions during and after the pandemic.