The Hogg Foundation’s all-digital Engagement Report 2019 is now available! The Engagement Report is our annual update on some of the most noteworthy developments in the recent life of the foundation, our grant activities, strategic priorities, and recent milestones and achievements. Fiscal Year 2018-2019 was a busy and productive one for the foundation, one that saw the launching of two major new multimillion initiatives (Communities of Care and Texas Communities Count) innovative new partnerships (Mental Health Communication), and about $12.6 million in new funds awarded. It is the best current overview of the current state of the foundation.
Highlights include:
- Our newest major initiatives
- Recently published grantee success stories
- A brief video featuring our executive director, Dr. Octavio N. Martinez, Jr., discussing the Hogg Foundation’s recent shift from a focus on individual mental health to transforming mental health at the community level
- A snapshot of recent scholarship and fellowship awardees
- Recent foundation news coverage
The full Engagement Report can be viewed here.