As September draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the importance of recovery and what it means to mental health. We know now that people with mental health conditions, even serious ones, can recover and experience wellness. They can live meaningful, productive lives and contribute to their communities. And they can help others on their path to recovery and wellness.

This month, the Hogg Foundation published two video testimonials on people’s recovery and what recovery means to them. Watch Tuesday’s and Tammy’s stories and learn about their unique journey to recovery and wellness. We wanted to share those stories with you to let you know that RECOVERY is POSSIBLE! And, we want everyone to share this message throughout the year.

We invite you to watch our “Did You Know?” video for compelling facts about mental health and wellness and to learn how recovery is happening today! Also, check out our Consumer, Youth and Family initiatives to learn more about what the Hogg Foundation is doing to advance recovery and wellness in Texas. This page is full of consumer resources for recovery.

Thanks for following the blog throughout the month of September and we invite you to share your thoughts about recovery and wellness!